Memorize the Periodic Table: The Fast and Easy Way to Memorize Chemical Elements by Kyle Buchanan
Memorize the Periodic Table: The Fast and Easy Way to Memorize Chemical Elements by Kyle Buchanan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Memorize the Periodic Table: The Fast and Easy Way to Memorize Chemical ElementsThe 'secret' to memorizing is visualization and association. This book will tell you exactly what to visualize so you can memorize every element in the periodic table. This is not a 'How to...' guide that teaches you a method. We've done all the work for you.
'Memorize the Periodic Table' takes advantage of the astonishing memory you already have. It's amazing more people don't use this easy technique and still persist with repetition to memorize the periodic table. They must have plenty of time to burn.
- Be able to recite the names of all the chemical elements in order
- Know the atomic numbers for each element
- Be astonished at your own memory
- Have a lot of leftover study time
This quick and easy read will have you memorizing the names of chemical elements straight away, and you'll be filled with excitement as you realize how simple memorizing the periodic table can actually be.
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