Screenwriting Down to the Atoms: Digging Deeper into the Craft of Cinematic Storytelling by Michael Welles Schock
Screenwriting Down to the Atoms: Digging Deeper into the Craft of Cinematic Storytelling by Michael Welles Schock PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
There are many books on screenwriting that claim to have all the answers. Unfortunately, quite often the more aspiring writers read, the more confused they become as they encounter contradictory statements, incomplete perspectives, and methods that fail to do more than scratch the surface. Screenwriting Down to the Atoms was written to end all the confusion. It picks up where the best leave off and makes up for where the rest fall short by looking closer and digging deeper to reveal the true principles beneath great cinematic stories. No confusion. No contradictions. Atoms provides a light in the dark to give a full, simple, and truly effective understanding of the craft.Screenwriting Down to the Atoms takes the basics far beyond the basics. It begins by putting the entire field under the microscope to challenge, and often refute, ideas writers have been taught to assume for decades. It then builds a simple, systematic approach clear enough for any writer to understand and put directly into use. Readers will discover storytelling's "golden key" - an elegantly-simple structure that forms the basis of all other structures. They will learn how to satisfy viewers by meeting the responsibilities of the “storyteller-audience relationship.” They will understand how to creatively control story information to give a narrative the greatest dramatic impact. Most writers toil for years to learn these principles. With Atoms, you can have this knowledge from the very start.
Whether you are working on your fifteenth screenplay or your first, Screenwriting Down to the Atoms gives indispensable knowledge found in no other source. Atoms is screencraft for the 21st century. The next generation of guides for the next generation of writers.
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