Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Family-Peer Relationships: Modes of Linkage (Psychology Revivals)

Family-Peer Relationships: Modes of Linkage (Psychology Revivals)

Family-Peer Relationships: Modes of Linkage (Psychology Revivals)

Family-Peer Relationships: Modes of Linkage (Psychology Revivals) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Originally published in 1992, this volume provided an up-to-date overview of recent research concerning the links between family and peer systems. Considerable work in the past had focused on family issues or peer relationships, but these systems had typically been considered separately. This volume bridges the gap across these two important socialization contexts and provides insights into the processes that account for the links across the systems – the ways in which the relationships between these systems shift across development. In addition, the variations in the links between family and peers are illustrated by cross-cultural work, studies of abused children, and research on the impact of maternal depression. In short, the volume provides not only a convenient overview of recent progress at the time but lays out an agenda for future research.

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