Senin, 29 September 2014

PDF⋙ Symphony in B Minor ("Unfinished") (Norton Critical Scores) by Franz Schubert

Symphony in B Minor ("Unfinished") (Norton Critical Scores) by Franz Schubert

Symphony in B Minor (Unfinished) (Norton Critical Scores)

Symphony in B Minor ("Unfinished") (Norton Critical Scores) by Franz Schubert PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

An original concept: in one volume, a study-size score of a major musical work, and a comprehensive body of tools for the study of that work.

Music examples and charts illustrate the analyses, and each essay is fully annotated by the editor. In some cases, the results of the original research by the editor or by others working in the field are published here for the first time. Much of the material has never before appeared in English.

A score embodying the best available musical text.

Historical background―what is known of the circumstances surrounding the origin of the work, including (where relevant) original source material.

A detailed analysis of the music, by the editor of the volume or another well-known scholar.

Other significant analytic essays and critical comments, exposing the student to a variety of opinions about the music.

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