Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Emergency Medicine MCQs by Waruna De Alwis, Yolande Weiner

Emergency Medicine MCQs by Waruna De Alwis, Yolande Weiner

Emergency Medicine MCQs

Emergency Medicine MCQs by Waruna De Alwis, Yolande Weiner PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

An invaluable self-assessment tool for emergency medicine trainees in Australasia.

Emergency Medicine MCQs is an essential resource for Australasia’s emergency medicine trainees.

A practical self-assessment tool, the book assists trainees as they expand and refine their knowledge of emergency medicine, and will ultimately help them pass the Australasian Emergency Medicine Fellowship examination (FACEM).

The multiple-choice questions in Emergency Medicine MCQs cover both the core and non-core areas in the Australasian Emergency Medicine Fellowship.  Using this text, trainees can revise alone or with their peers to identify the areas in which they need further development.

The curriculum is divided into three main areas where trainees require expert level of knowledge, high level of knowledge and general level of knowledge. It covers important clinical problems encountered in everyday emergency medicine practice - from cardiovascular emergencies through to obstetric and gynaecology emergencies, disaster management and toxicology.

As well as being ideal for emergency medicine trainees qualifying through AECM, the book is a useful resource for GPs taking the GEM qualification through ACEM and JMOs ‘on call’.

Plus, this emergency medicine text is accompanied by an app - a separate product containing 180 randomised multiple-choice questions on all the topics within the book.

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