Selasa, 23 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Visual/Spatial Portals to Thinking, Feeling and Movement: Advancing Competencies and Emotional Development in Children with Learning and Autism Spectrum Disorders by Serena Wieder Ph.D., Harry Wachs O.D.

Visual/Spatial Portals to Thinking, Feeling and Movement: Advancing Competencies and Emotional Development in Children with Learning and Autism Spectrum Disorders by Serena Wieder Ph.D., Harry Wachs O.D.

Visual/Spatial Portals to Thinking, Feeling and Movement: Advancing Competencies and Emotional Development in Children with Learning and Autism Spectrum Disorders

Visual/Spatial Portals to Thinking, Feeling and Movement: Advancing Competencies and Emotional Development in Children with Learning and Autism Spectrum Disorders by Serena Wieder Ph.D., Harry Wachs O.D. PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Clinical psychologist Serena Wieder Ph.D. redefines the building blocks of development and the challenges that derail a child's functioning and learning. For Wieder, vision and space -- what is seen by the eyes, transformed by the mind and experienced as movement, plays a crucial but heretofore underestimated crucial role in the development of a child's thoughts and feelings. Co-author Harry Wachs, O.D., a pioneer of developmental vision therapy, offers therapy focused on visual/spatial aspects of development supporting cognition. Based on decades of experience, Wieder and Wachs guide therapists and parents in interventions for use at home, school and therapy offices involving affect based Floortime approaches and other problem-solving experiences, addressing unrecognized challenges that often derail life competencies, learning and development. A new step-by-step Manual presents tools to develop visual/spatial learning. This groundbreaking book changes the way parents and therapists understand child development and work to promote each child's potential in meaningful ways.

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Visual/Spatial Portals to Thinking, Feeling and Movement: Advancing Competencies and Emotional Development in Children with Learning and Autism Spectrum Disorders by Serena Wieder Ph.D., Harry Wachs O.D. Doc

Visual/Spatial Portals to Thinking, Feeling and Movement: Advancing Competencies and Emotional Development in Children with Learning and Autism Spectrum Disorders by Serena Wieder Ph.D., Harry Wachs O.D. Mobipocket
Visual/Spatial Portals to Thinking, Feeling and Movement: Advancing Competencies and Emotional Development in Children with Learning and Autism Spectrum Disorders by Serena Wieder Ph.D., Harry Wachs O.D. EPub

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