In Training, a book of bonsai photos by Stephen Voss, Michael Hagedorn
In Training, a book of bonsai photos by Stephen Voss, Michael Hagedorn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In Training is a book of bonsai photos, a fresh look at an ancient art form.Two years ago, I began making the photos of each tree as a sort of respite, an excuse to be near something beautiful and to appraise it fully, without the usual time constraints I had grown accustomed to in my professional work. The bonsai, themselves, seemed the very opposite of the subjects I usually photographed they stood before me fully present, their sense of time measured in decades, even centuries. From my first glimpse of the trees all those years ago, I knew implicitly that there was something to be learned from them, from their endurance and quiet dignity.
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