Minggu, 19 April 2015

PDF⋙ Along the High Road: A Guide to the Scenic Route Between Espanola and Taos, New Mexico by Margaret M. Nava

Along the High Road: A Guide to the Scenic Route Between Espanola and Taos, New Mexico by Margaret M. Nava

Along the High Road: A Guide to the Scenic Route Between Espanola and Taos, New Mexico

Along the High Road: A Guide to the Scenic Route Between Espanola and Taos, New Mexico by Margaret M. Nava PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The road between Espanola and Taos, New Mexico, commonly referred to as the 'High Road to Taos,' covers a distance of about fifty miles and passes through many northern frontier settlement towns. Because of the speed limit and road conditions, a trip along this road usually takes three hours although some drivers do it in less. They drive serpentine roads, look at quaint houses and magnificent scenery, and depart content that they have driven through a fascinating area. But the High Road is more than just a scenic road trip; it is a journey through the lives of the people, past and present, who-tied to the earth, fiercely independent, and staunchly Catholic-settled a hostile land, created a new life for themselves, and became the moral fiber of New Mexico. This book gives readers a brief glimpse into the lives, beliefs, and arts of these people and offers suggestions about sights and accommodations for travelers willing to take enough time to discover the beauty and mysteries hidden in the small towns Along the High Road.

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Along the High Road: A Guide to the Scenic Route Between Espanola and Taos, New Mexico by Margaret M. Nava EPub

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