Fundamentals of Clinical Nutrition, 1e by Sarah L. Morgan MD RD FACP, Roland L. Weinsier MD DRPH FACP
Fundamentals of Clinical Nutrition, 1e by Sarah L. Morgan MD RD FACP, Roland L. Weinsier MD DRPH FACP PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Fundamentals of Clinical Nutrition is a beautifully illustrated, clinically oriented, concise overview of the field of clinical nutrition. This easy-to-read text contains excellent figures, case histories, and clinical information. It discusses nutrition throughout the life cycle and addresses nutritional support of hospitalized and ambulatory patients.Correlates metabolic, biochemical, and physiologic principles with clinical nutrition. Emphasizes major contemporary issues in diet, health, and disease (e.g. diet and cancer, nutrition and oral health, diet and coronary artery disease, etc.). Addresses nutritional support in special patient populations (e.g. renal failure, liver disease, pulmonary disease). Case studies with questions reinforce clinical relevance.
Spanish version also available, ISBN: 84-8174-466-2
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