Minggu, 02 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ The Golfing Machine by Homer Kelley

The Golfing Machine by Homer Kelley

The Golfing Machine

The Golfing Machine by Homer Kelley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Geometry of Golf has two aspects - the facts and the illusions, visually and sensory. When the facts are understood, the illusions not only cease to mislead but can be utilized.The Physics of Golf does not specify special "Golf Laws' - only the simple, universal Laws of Force and Motion that you use every day because you cannot move yourself or anything else except in compliance with them. Physics merely takes the "seems as if" out of things. Including Golf.The mental aspect of Golf is concerned with the Computer (Chapter 14) and its programming, reducing the complexity to a repeatable but adaptable sequence of alignment-sustaining motions and "feels" as the player has selected them for the situation at hand.Its not instant perfection but continuous progress toward a practical goal - mastery of the Star System Triad. As you apply this System you may suddenly realize you are now actually doing what you had always merely thought you were doing.First use of this system might be to understand your present game before you abandon, replace or scramble it. It may not be all that bad. At least it's familiar. Besides, habits can be harder to break than to reshuffle a little. This book may point up why you don't play better but also why you play as well as you do.

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