Cost Management for Profitable Food and Beverage Operations by Paul Morrison, Hein Ruys, Brian Morrison
Cost Management for Profitable Food and Beverage Operations by Paul Morrison, Hein Ruys, Brian Morrison PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book examines the opportunities for reducing costs through the use of modern technology and the availability of more accurate and timely feedback controls. The book will enable food and beverage managers to design a cost-effective operations system, introduce the modifications to any existing system, and monitor results. Thus the book should enable the reader to: develop preventive controls throughout the catering cycle; establish an information system to provide feedback from purchase to point of sale; monitor the information system to ensure the system is functioning correctly; and implement correct action. It should allow students to understand the importance of cost management in profitable businesses. Throughout the book it is recognized that the food and beverage industry encompasses a wide variety of operations, and that each business must tailor its system to its particular needs. Information systems today allow a level of control which was impossible a decade ago and management can use the system to pinpoint inefficiencies and implement corrective action. Cost management principles are illustrated in examples commonly found in food and beverage operations.From reader reviews:
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