Jumat, 07 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Architecture in the Space of Flows

Architecture in the Space of Flows

Architecture in the Space of Flows

Architecture in the Space of Flows PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Traditionally, architecture has been preoccupied with the resolution of form. That concern helps to make photogenic buildings, which have received a great deal of attention. This book looks instead at the idea of the flows, which connects things together and moves between things. It is more difficult to discuss, but more necessary, because it is what makes things work. Architects have to think about flow – the flow of people through buildings, the flow of energy into buildings, and waste out of them – but usually the effects of flow do not find expression. The essays gathered here present a collection of exploratory ideas and offer an understanding of buildings, people and settlements through concepts of flow.

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