Covert Justice (Love Inspired Suspense) by Lynn Huggins Blackburn
Covert Justice (Love Inspired Suspense) by Lynn Huggins Blackburn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
AGENT UNDERCOVERWhen a woman drags Blake Harrison out of his wrecked car, he knows the mysterious stranger has saved his life. But more shocking than the hit-and-run is the news that a crime cartel has infiltrated his factory. There's a fortune to be made by tampering with the factory's products…but only if Blake is out of the way. Undercover FBI agent Heidi Zimmerman has two goals—catch the criminals in the act, and keep Blake alive. Falling for the single dad and his adorable daughter isn't in the plan. But everything changes when an abduction leaves Heidi face-to-face with a killer, revealing the danger that's been hiding in plain sight all along…
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