Senin, 11 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ The Lives and Times of El Cipitio by Randy Jurado Ertll

The Lives and Times of El Cipitio by Randy Jurado Ertll

The Lives and Times of El Cipitio

The Lives and Times of El Cipitio by Randy Jurado Ertll PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Even a legendary, little mythical creature, like El Cipitio can do good in this world when given a second, third, or even fourth chance to redeem himself. El Cipitio comes from El Salvador and migrates through Mexico to the United States. He searches for his eccentric family, his mother, father, and long-lost twin brother, El Duende. His father, El Cadejo, is an evil demon deported from Spain by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand. He lands in Central America where he takes advantage of La Siguanaba and she gives birth to twins: El Cipitio and El Duende. On seeing the dark-skinned, big-bellied infant El Cipitio with backward feet, she attempts to drown him. El Cipitio cannot die-he is a member of the undead. He has eternal life inherited from his evil father, El Cadejo. El Cipitio's hatred and rage towards his mother and father is limitless. He lies, cheats, steals, and bribes his way into electoral office, becoming the mayor of Los Angeles and president of the United States. At the other end of his relentless shenanigans is La Cholita, a tough barrio homegirl who shows him the love and hope he was always wanted. Years later, El Cipitio meets his twin brother, El Duende. They both repent and agree to put aside their gangster differences to get rid of their evil side. They have no choice, but to kidnap and murder their wicked, deadbeat father, El Cadejo. La Siguanaba repents and becomes a very wealthy business owner by running a laundry business. El Cipitio decides to create world peace by becoming a modern day Gandhi. He decides to semi-retire and lives a simple, happy life. But will his evil genes come back to haunt him?

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