Minggu, 31 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Microgreen Garden: Indoor Grower's Guide to Gourmet Greens by Mark Mathew Braunstein

Microgreen Garden: Indoor Grower's Guide to Gourmet Greens by Mark Mathew Braunstein

Microgreen Garden: Indoor Grower's Guide to Gourmet Greens

Microgreen Garden: Indoor Grower's Guide to Gourmet Greens by Mark Mathew Braunstein PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Microgreens, the young seedlings of herbs, vegetables, beans, seeds, and grains, contain four to six times the vitamins and phyto-nutrients found in mature leaves of the same plants. This comprehensive resource explains how to grow microgreens at home, both inexpensively and easily. It provides detailed instructions for selecting seeds and soil, along with guidance on proper temperature, light, and ventilation. Also covered are methods for both small- and large-scale growing of microgreens, how to extend harvests, and techniques for preventing contamination by bacteria and mold. Filled with how-to information and vibrant full-color photos by the author, the book explores every aspect of this unique form of gardening. Included is a helpful guide to 55 species of microgreens, which profiles each green according to its flavor, preferred cultivar, special handling needs, and more.

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Microgreen Garden: Indoor Grower's Guide to Gourmet Greens by Mark Mathew Braunstein EPub

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