African Ceremonies: The Concise Edition by Carol Beckwith, Angela Fisher
African Ceremonies: The Concise Edition by Carol Beckwith, Angela Fisher PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Abrams are proud to publish a newly designed one-volume edition of this definitive work, containing more than half of the magnificent photographs that were in the original edition - plus several new ones. This carefully conceived work offers a complete introduction to the traditional rites and rituals of Africa, including baby namings, initiations, weddings, harvest blessings, coronations, healing exorcisms, and funerals, among others. Many of these rituals will never be performed again; few have been pictured and described with the intimacy, knowledge, and skill of Beckwith and Fisher. The book also includes an audio CD featuring tracks of intimate, secret and rarely heard ceremonies from many countries throughout Africa that were recorded over a period of six years by David Bradnum, a musician and award-winning composer.From reader reviews:
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