The Impassioned Soul: Pursuing Christ With a Holy Obsession by Morton Bustard
The Impassioned Soul: Pursuing Christ With a Holy Obsession by Morton Bustard PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
What mysterious force lifts a person out of the mainstream of mediocrity into the lonely pursuit of the heavenly vision? It is passion. Passion is the energy of the soul and the fire of life. Passion leads you to a life that will end the drought in your inner being. The Impassioned Soul, comes to you as a cup of cool water for the thirsty pursuer. As its refreshing words touch your scorched soul, you will feel the energy of its life revitalizing all the parched places. Those who are in pursuit of Christ will quickly identify with the passion and purity of its heavenly language. This book is meant to be an oasis for the weary traveler, bringing new significance, purpose, and support to your own spiritual journey.
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