Sabtu, 03 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Kindergarten Is Cool! by Linda Elovitz Marshall

Kindergarten Is Cool! by Linda Elovitz Marshall

Kindergarten Is Cool!

Kindergarten Is Cool! by Linda Elovitz Marshall PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

When you wake up for school
you'll get dressed, really cool
with your sneakers and socks
and your lunch in a box . . .

Kindergarten's begun.
Big kids say that it's fun.
But is that really true?
Will it be fun . . . for you?

Celebrate all the familiar milestones and moments shared by every kid entering kindergarten in this charming second-person narrative. Whether it's early-morning jitters or becoming familiar with new classroom routines, this sweet and bouncy story will have expectant kindergarteners saying, "Kindergarten is cool!"

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